ENAVE is committed to providing a comprehensive range of specialist services to manage modifications to pleasure craft. In particular, we focus on two crucial aspects: “Post-Construction Assessments for changes in the main parameters of pleasure craft marked CE” and “Significant modifications to pleasure craft not marked CE”. Our mission is to ensure professional and reliable support, ensuring compliance with current regulations and the highest safety standards for vessels.
Post-Construction Assessments for changes to the main parameters of CE-marked pleasure craft
In accordance with current regulations, it is crucial to follow the complete procedure in the case of variations that involve changes in the main technical parameters, such as dimensions, carrying capacity, propulsion power, or navigation limits. This process is essential, as the unit will need to be treated as a new construction, requiring the issuance of a new CE certificate.
During this phase, the owner assumes the role of placing on the market and can rely on ENAVE to carefully manage the verification of the minimum safety requirements established by the directive. Our service aims to ensure that all modifications made meet the high safety standards required, while also ensuring a smooth procedure that complies with current regulations.
Relevant Modifications to Pleasure Craft Not CE-marked
To ensure safety after significant modifications to a vessel, it’s essential to conduct a safety inspection carried out by an ENAVE Operational Technician. This verification aims to ensure that the vessel is fit for navigation.
In the case of modifications to navigation limits and the number of persons carried, the new requirements must be reflected in the certificate, with subsequent updates to the vessel’s onboard documents. This process is managed by a Sportello Telematico del Diportista (STED), such as the Harbor Master’s Office, the Civil Motorization, or a nautical agency.
The term “relevant transformation” refers to any modification that affects essential safety requirements.
Relevant modifications include variations in:
- Main dimensions;
- Number of persons carried;
- Installed power for engine replacement;
- Number of installed engines;
- Transmission/propulsion system;
- Fuel system;
- Navigation limits;
- Weight distribution on board;
- Structural modifications;
- Other modifications relevant to safety requirements.
For further information, please refer to our article “The Difference Between ‘PCA’ and ‘Relevant Modifications to CE-marked Pleasure Craft’.”
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